Mental Ability Mock Test 2

Mental Ability Mock Test

Mental Ability Mock Test




Mental Ability Mock Test 2



1 / 10

1) The number of deaths among the army personnel is 8 in 1000, but among the civilian population it is 20 per 1000. Which one of the following inferences can be drawn from this statement ?

2 / 10

2) The letters L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T in their order are substituted by nine integers 1 to 9 but not in that order. 4 is assigned to P. The difference between P and T is 5. The difference between N and T is 3. What is the integer assigned to N?

3 / 10

3) In a group of six women there are four dancers, four vocal musicians, one actress and three violinists.

Girija and Vanaja are among the violinists while Jalaja and Shailaja do not know how to play on the violin.

Shailaja and Tanuja are among the dancers. Jalaja, Vanaja, Shailaja and Tanuja are all vocal musicians and two of them are also violinists. If Pooja is an actress, who among the following is certainly a dancer and a violinist ?

4 / 10

4) A question paper must have a question on one of the eight poets : A, B, C, D, E, F, G or H. The first four belong to the medieval period while the rest are considered modern poets.

Generally, modern poets figure in the question paper in alternate years. Generally those who like H like G also; and those who like F like E also. The paper-setter does not like to ask about F as he has written a book on F, but he likes F. Last year, the paper contained a question on A. On the basis of the information given, this year's paper is most likely to contain a question on

5 / 10

5) In a class of 45 students, a boy is ranked 20th. When two boys joined, his rank was dropped by one. What is his new rank from the end?


6 / 10

6) Seven men, A, B, C, D, E, F and G are standing in a queue in that order. Each one is wearing a cap of different colour like violet, indigo, blue green, yellow, orange and red. D is able to see in front of him green and blue, but not violet. E can see violet and yellow, but not red. G can see caps of all colours other than orange. If E is wearing an indigo coloured cap, then the colour of the cap worn by F is

7 / 10

7) A, B, C, D and E belong to five different cities P, Q, R, S and T (not necessarily in that order). Each one of them comes from a different city. Further it is given that

1. B and C do not belong to Q.

2. B and E do not belong to P and R.

3. A and C do not belong to R, S and T.

4. D and E do not belong to Q and T.

Which one of the following statements is not correct?


8 / 10

8) There are five hobby clubs in a college viz, photography yachting, chess, electronics and gardening. The gardening group meets every second day, the electronics group meets every third day, the chess group meets every fourth day, the yachting group meets every fifth day and the photography group meets every sixth day. How many times do all the five groups meet on the same day within 180 days?

9 / 10

9) Geeta is older than her cousin Meena. Meena’s brother Bipin is older than Geeta. When Meena and Bipin visit Geeta, they like to play chess. Meena wins the game more often than Geeta.

Based on the above information, four conclusions, as given below, have been made. Which one of these logically follows from the informaton given above?


10 / 10

10) Five people A, B, C, D and E are seated about a round table. Every chair is spaced equidistant from adjacent chairs. [2013 - II]

(i) C is seated next to A.

(ii) A is seated two seats from D.

(iii) B is not seated next to A.

Which of the following must be true?

(I) D is seated next to B

(II) E is seated next to A

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:


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πŸŸ₯ TOPIC : Mental Ability




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