ZOOLOGY Molecular Biology Mock Test 3



ZOOLOGY Molecular Biology Mock Test 3

🟥 ZOOLOGY Molecular Biology Mock Test 3


🟥 TIME : 30 Mins

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During DNA replication okazaki fragments used to elongate
🔺The lagging strand towards replication fork
🔺The leading strand away from replication fork
🔺 The lagging strand away from replication fork
🔺The leading strand towards replication fork

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During methyl directed mismatch repair what is the function of methylation
A. Identify the daughter strands from the parent strand
B . Identify the point of mismatch repair
C. Identify the point s or DNA segments to be removed
D. All of the above

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Which of the following disease occur due to failure ofDNA mismatch repair
A. Hereditary non polyposis colon cancer
B. Xeroderma pigmentosa
C. Werner syndrome
D. All of the above

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Which of the following helps in maintaining the integrity of DNA during and after replication
A. Complementary base pairing
B. Proof reading activity of DNA polymerase
C. DNA repair mechanism
D. All of the above

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Origin of replication usually contains
A. GC rich sequence
B. Both AT and GC rich sequence
C. No particular stretch of sequence
D. AT rich sequence

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Recombinational repair is often due to ________
a) Incorporation of many incorrect nucleotides by DNA pol
b) Many cytidine dimer and associated large gaps in a strand
c) Many thymidine dimer formations and associated large gaps in a strand
d) All of the mentioned

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A point mutation that replaces a purine with another purine, or a pyrimidine with another pyramidine ________
a) Nonsense mutation
b) Silent mutation
c) Transition mutation
d) Transversion

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8) An alteration in a nucleotide sequence that changes a triplet coding for an amino acid into a termination codon is ________

a) Nonsense mutation
b) Mutagenesis
c) Mutation
d) Mutagen

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The DNA polymerase involved in base excision repair is ________
a) DNA polymerase α
b) DNA polymerase b
c) DNA polymerase σ
d) DNA polymerase gama

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what is the function of enzyme involved in base excision repair?
a) Addition of correct base
b) Addition of correct nucleotide
c) Removal of incorrect base
d) Removal of phosphodiester bond

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Which of the following has the self-repairing mechanisms?
a) DNA and RNA
b) DNA, RNA and protein
c) Only DNA
d) DNA and proteins

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Which of the following mechanisms will remove uracil and incorporate the correct base?
a) Direct repair
b) Base excision repair
c) Mismatch repair
d) Nucleotide excision repair

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13) Transcriptionally active, light staining chromatin is termed

✏️ constitutive heterochromatin
✏️facultative beterochromatin

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14) The central micropore or channel in the nuclear membrane help in the movement of materials with the help of

✏️ nexin
✏️nuclear matrix

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15) The multinucleate forms of animal cells are termed


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16) Which one of the following organisms is trinucleate?

✏️Paramecium caudatum
✏️Paramecium aurelia
✏️Paramecium vivax

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17) A vacuole which is a complex of lysosome and phagosome is termed

✏️gas vacuole
✏️Contractile vacuole
✏️food vacuole
✏️sap vacuole

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18) In flagellum, the central fibrils and sidearms of sub fibre A are made of a protein


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19) A dense, plate -like band that lies between basal body and shaft of cilium of flagellum is

✏️basal bodies

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20) The microbodies which occur in fat rich plant cells where they take part in beta-oxidation of fats and perform glyoxylate cycle is

✏️basal bodies

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21) Denaturation of DNA occurs at which temparature

A. 45degreeC
B. 60 degreeC
C. 55 degree C
D. 82 degree C

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Nitrogenous bases of DNA can absorb ultraviolet light upto
A. 1500nm
B. 26nm
C. 260nm
D. 80nm

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enzyme which is required for the removal ofRNA primer during DNA replication
A. Ligase
B.DNA polymerase 2
C. Exonuclease
D. DNA polymerase 1

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Semicoservative replication of DNA was given by
A. Watson and Crick
B. Batson and Punnet
C. Messelson and Stahl
D. None of these

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Nature of DNA replication is
A. Nonconservative and continuous
B. Conservative
C. Semi conservative and semicontinuous
D. Semicoservative and discontinuous

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26) Which of the following enzymes is the principal replication enzyme in E.coli?

A DNA polymerase I
B DNA polymerase II
C DNA polymerase III

D NONE of the above

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27) Name the protein which is used for the termination of replication ?

A DnaC
B Tus Protein
D DNA polymerase

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28) Which of the following protein dose not involved in the initiation of replication ?

A DnaA
C DnaB
D DnaF

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29) How many numbers of replicon is found in E.coli?

A Five replicon
B Two replicon
C Single replicon
D Multiple replicon

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30) What is the mode of replication in E.coli?

A Intermidiate
B Dispersive
C Conservative
D Semi Conservative

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