🟥 TIME : 20 MINS

1 / 20

1) With reference to the art and archaeo-logical history of India, which one among the following was made earliest?

2 / 20

2) A community of people called Manganiyars is well-known for their

3 / 20

3) In the context of cultural history of India, a pose in dance and dramatics called ‘Tribhanga’ has been a favourite of Indian artists from ancient times till today . Which one of the following statements best describes this pose?

4 / 20

4) The Chinese traveller Yuan Chwang (Hiuen Tsang) who visited India recorded the general conditions and culture of India at that time. In this context, which of the following statements is/are correct?

1. The roads and river-routes were completely immune from robbery .

2. As regards punishment for offences, ordeals by fire, water and poison were the instruments for determining the innocence or guilt of a person.

3. The tradesmen had to pay duties at ferries and barrier stations.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.


5 / 20

5) With reference to the history of Indian rock-cut architecture, consider the following statements:

1. The caves at Badami are the oldest surviving rock-cut caves in India.

2. The Barabar rock-cut caves were originally made for Ajivikas by Emperor Chandragupta Maurya.

3. At Ellora, caves were made for different faiths.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


6 / 20

6) Which of the following statements is/are applicable to Jain doctrine?

1. The surest way of annihilating Karma is to practice penance.

2. Every object, even the smallest particle has a soul.

3. Karma is the bane of the soul and must be ended.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below.


7 / 20

7) Which of the following characterizes / characterize the people of Indus Civilization?

1. They possessed great palaces and temples.

2. They worshipped both male and female deities.

3. They employed horse-drawn chariots in warfare.

Select the correct statement/statements using the codes given below.


8 / 20

8) Which one of the following describes best the concept of Nirvana in Buddhism?

9 / 20

9) Some Buddhist rock-cut caves are called Chaityas, while the others are called Viharas. What is the difference between the two?

10 / 20

10) With reference to the guilds (Shreni) of ancient India that played a very important role in the country's economy, which of the following statements is/are correct?

1. Every guild was registered with the central authority of the State and the king was the chief administrative authority on them.

2. The wages, rules of work, standards and prices were fixed by the guild.

3. The guild had judicial powers over its own members.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:


11 / 20

11) he religion of early Vedic Aryans was primarily of

12 / 20

12) Lord Buddha’s image is sometimes shown with the hand gesture called ‘Bhumisparsha Mudra’. It symbolizes

13 / 20

13) The Nagara, the Dravida and the Vesara are the

14 / 20

14) With reference to the history of ancient India, which of the following was/were common to both Buddhism and Jainism?

1. Avoidance of extremities of penance and enjoyment

2. Indifference to the authority of the Vedas

3. Denial of efficacy of rituals

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:


15 / 20

15) With reference to the scientific progress of ancient India, which of the statements given below are correct?

1. Different kinds of specialized surgical instruments were in common use by 1st century AD.

2. Transplant of internal organs in the human body had begun by the beginning of 3rd century AD.

3. The concept of sine of an angle was known in 5th century AD.

4. The concept of cyclic quadrilaterals was known in 7th century AD.

Select the correct answer using the codes given below:


16 / 20

16) The “Dharma” and “Rita” depict a central Idea of ancient Vedic civilization of India. In this context, consider the following statements :

1. Dharma was a conception of obligations and of the discharge of one’s duties to oneself and to others.

2. Rita was the fundamental moral law governing the functioning of the universe and all it contained.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


17 / 20

17) Regarding the Indus Valley Civilization, consider the following statements :

1. It was predominantly a secular civilization and the religious element, though present, did not dominate the scene

2. During this period, cotton was used for manufacturing textiles in India

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?


18 / 20

18) The Jain philosophy holds that the world is created and maintained by

19 / 20

19) India maintained its early cultural contacts and trade links with Southeast Asia across the Bay of Bengal.

For this pre-eminence of early maritime history of Bay of Bengal, which of the following could be the most convincing explanation/explanations ?

20 / 20

20) Why did Buddhism start declining in India in the early medieval times ?

1. Buddha was by that time considered as one of the incarnations of Vishnu and thus became a part of Vaishnavism.

2. Invading tribes from Central Asia till the time of last Gupta king adopted Hinduism and persecuted Buddhists

3. Kings of Gupta dynasty were strongly opposed to Buddhism.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct ?


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