Botany Mycology Mock Test

Botany Mycology Mock Test

Botany Mycology Mock Test


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🟥 Botany Mycology Mock Test


🟥 TIME : 20 MINS


Botany Mycology Mock Test

🟥 Botany Mycology Mock Test


🟥 TIME : 20 MINS

1 / 36

1) Commonly known frog-spawn algae is

2 / 36

2) Para sexuality found in

3 / 36

3) The drug LSD obtained from

4 / 36

4) which fungus was earlier known as Botrytis

5 / 36

5) Synchitrium is ---------- fungus

6 / 36

6) Water molds fungi are

7 / 36

7) Which one is most primitive fungus

8 / 36

8) Black stem rust is caused by

9 / 36

9) Mycelium is luminous in

10 / 36

10) Irish famine is occurred in

11 / 36

11) Trichogyne is found in

12 / 36

12) Reserve food material of fungus is

13 / 36

13) Irish famine was caused by

14 / 36

14) Eucarpic condition occur when

15 / 36

15) Corpophilous fungi are

16 / 36

16) Fungi are usually

17 / 36

17) Penicillin is derived from

18 / 36

18) Citric acid is produced with the help of

19 / 36

19) The fungus used in baking and brewing industry is

20 / 36

20) Mushroom is

21 / 36

21) Systema Mycologicum  was written by

22 / 36

22) The study of fungi is known as

23 / 36

23) In most of the higher fungi only a potrtion  is transformed into reproductive unit such fungi are called

24 / 36

24) which of the following higher fungi have seperate hyphae

25 / 36

25) The vegetative body of slime mould is called

26 / 36

26) The dark hard irregular and horny structures arising from the plasmodium during unfavourable condition is called

27 / 36

27) Bioluminesence is shown by the fungus

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28) Saccharomyces cervisiae is used for the extraction of the enzyme

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29) Aapergillus niges is used in the preperation of

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30) Which one of the following is highly poisonous fungi

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31) The simplest type of thallospore is called

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32) Thick walled round resting thallospores are called as

33 / 36

33) In some fungi the vegetative portion of the thallus develops into spore -like bodies called

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34) If the entire thallus of a fungi get converted to reproductive body  such fungi are called

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35) The fungal cell wall is made of

36 / 36

36) The study of fungus

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