General Studies Mock Test 4


General Studies Mock Test 4

🟥 General Studies Mock Test 4


🟥 TIME : 60 MINS

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1) Which of the following throw light on Harappan culture?

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2) The source of knowledge about Harappan culture is

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3) The Indus Valley culture was different from the Vedic Civilization because

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The important reason to keep Indus Valley civilization before Aryan
civilization is

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5) Which of the following is related to Harappa civilization?

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6) Human Society is unique because it depends mainly on

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7) Indus Valley civilization was NonAryan because

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8) Indus Civilization existed in

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9) Where is the National Human Museum situated?

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10) Which of these departments/ministries deals with Archaeological Survey of India as an accessory office?

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11) From which rock shelter of Vindhyas, a maximum number of human skeletons have been found?

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12) The evidence of pit dwelling has been obtained from

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13) The evidence of burying the dog with human body is found from which of the following places?

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14) Which of the following sites has yielded skeleton of the dog along with human skeleton in burial?

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15) In the Chalcolithic period people of Maharashtra buried their dead under the floor of their houses in the following orientation

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16) The Ochre-coloured Pottery was christened at

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17) Where are the caves of Bhimbetka situated?

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18) Which one of the following places is famous for pre-historic paintings?

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19) In India, from which rock-shelter, pictures has been found the most?

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20) ‘Bhimbetka’ is famous for

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21) Ash mound is associated with the Neolithic site at

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22) Megaliths have been identified as

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23) In which state, the Navdatoli is located?

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24) Navdatoli was excavated by

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25) The cultural remains from Stone Age to Harappan civilization have been obtained from which one of the following ancient sites?

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26) Which one of the following periods is also known as Chalcolithic Age?

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27) The earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian Sub-continent is found at

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28) The earliest evidence of agriculture in the Indian Sub-continent has been obtained from

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29) Name the site which has revealed the earliest evidence of settled life?

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30) The earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian sub-continent comes from

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31) The first cereal used by man was

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32) The earliest evidence of man in India is found in

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33) The cultivation of cereals first started in

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34) Bone ornaments in the Mesolithic context in India have been obtained from

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35) From which one of the following sites bone implements have been found?

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36) The three-age system, divided into stone, bronze and iron from the collection of Copenhagen museum was coined by

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Robert Bruce Foote, who discovered first Palaeolithic tool in India,
was a/an

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38) In Mesolithic context, evidence of animal domestication has been found at

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39) According to the excavated evidence, the domestication of animal began in

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