🟥 NUMBER OF QUESTIONS : 100 [HSST 2018 Questions Paper]

🟥  TIME : 1.30 Hrs



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1 / 100

1) Collective choice and social welfare' is a famous book written by.


2 / 100

2) Which has been declared by Telengana as the State's second official language


3 / 100

3) Glutamate is the precursor of amino acids .

4 / 100

4) Which state launched India's first electric bus service at high altitude

5 / 100

5) Galactosaemia is a congenital disease when normal metabolism of galactose is lacking an enzyme

6 / 100

6) The RNA polymerase recognise a seven base sequence on the promotor region called

7 / 100


he example of inducible operon is

8 / 100

8) Chemical degradation of DNA protocol was developed by

9 / 100

9) 45+ XX in human indicates

10 / 100

10) Glands of Swammerdams is associated with

11 / 100

11) Which one of the following source is not a primary source of data?

12 / 100

12) Egg of petromyzone is

13 / 100

13) The part of an antigen that is recognised by the immune system specifically by antibodies, B cells or T cells

14 / 100

14) During glycolysis glucose is phosphorylated to

15 / 100

15) The activated adenyl cyclase serves as a biochemical amplifier and catalyses the hydrolysis of ATP to c AMP, in the presence of

16 / 100

16) ......... is the social campaign of government of India that aims to create awareness and improve the efficiency of welfare services intended for girls

17 / 100

17) Name the scheme launched by union government to boost community and private participation in government school.

18 / 100

18) The residuary powers in India rest with

19 / 100

19) The physiologically active form of pantothenic acid essential for metabolism

20 / 100

20) Where was the 2017 world para athletics championships held

21 / 100

21) Oxygen is directly used during

22 / 100

22) Populations reproductively isolated and live in different habitats but occupy same territory are known as

23 / 100

23) S method used for sequencing whole genomes by breaking the DNA is

24 / 100

24) The true and complete metamorphosis occurs in

25 / 100

25) Deficiency of thyroid hormone in adults causes the disease

26 / 100

26) A hormone which stimulate the activity of adenyl cyclase and increases the CAMP level.

27 / 100

27) An instrument used to scan a patient's body, by a narrow X _ ray beams guided by computer and thin sections of organs are photographed from several angles

28 / 100

28) The type of research commonly used in behavioral sciences are

29 / 100

29) A new pension scheme launched by union government in 2015 which would benefit people in unorganised sector

30 / 100

30) The marginal zone of a pond merging with the surrounding land is an example of

31 / 100

31) The ruptured follicle in mammalian ovary after the release of ovum which later gets fertilized to form

32 / 100

32) Which among the new type of test items have premises and responses

33 / 100

33) The direct cleavage of covalent bonds and removal of groups with out addition of H2O is a characteristic of

34 / 100

34) Addition of microbes to enhance health benefits is

35 / 100

35) In 1970, an enzyme for cutting the DNA was discovered from the bacterium

36 / 100

36) Who is known as Kerala Scot?

37 / 100

37) Automictic diplosis occurs in

38 / 100

38) The technique used for opening partially blocked coronary vessels before they become totally occluded.

39 / 100

39) First Indian scientist who got Nobel prize for deciphering the genetic code

40 / 100

40) If, DNA is found to have the base composition of A=40, T= 22, C=17 and G=21. will be

41 / 100

41) The active swimming organisms living in surface and deeper waters

42 / 100

42) The URL consist of

43 / 100

43) Warm blooded animals are larger in size in the colder region when compared to hotter regions.

44 / 100

44) Muscle glycogen cannot be converted in to glucose due to the absence of an enzyme

45 / 100

45) Erythrocytes do not transport the enzyme

46 / 100

46) Homeotic genes of Drosophila include a 180 - nucleotide sequence called the

47 / 100

47) Methylation of DNA most commonly occurs in the sequence of

48 / 100

48) The author of ' Adwaitha chintha padhathi'

49 / 100

49) A group of distinct organisms classified and assigned to a definite category

50 / 100

50) Sensory hair cells in the cristae ampullaris contact .

51 / 100

51) Thrombosis in which coronary artery is related most frequently in myocardial infraction

52 / 100

52) The square root of the average will be equal to the squares of the individual observation from their arithmetic mean

53 / 100

53) The leader of Guruvayoor satyagraha

54 / 100

54) The most suitable and efficient language used in bioinformatics

55 / 100

55) A comprehensive scheme for prevention of trafficking, rescue and rehabilitation and re - integration of victims of trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation

56 / 100

56) Which amoung the following is the expansion of PPA

57 / 100

57) Lion tailed Macaque is considered as

58 / 100

58) Who can address the parliament being a non member

59 / 100

59) Dependent variable in the process of teaching is

60 / 100

60) Multi stage sampling is a type of

61 / 100

61) Which State will hoist the 36th National games?

62 / 100

62) Dissolved oxygen needed for microbes is measured by

63 / 100

63) Which one of the following is considered as a third generation vaccine

64 / 100

64) Minimum turnover number of an enzyme is for

65 / 100


Sickle cell anaemia is caused by the substitution of

66 / 100

66) Composite molecule of DNA in which a foreign DNA has been inserted in to a vector molecule are called

67 / 100

67) A group of technique popularized by A F Osborn to develop creative thinking is

68 / 100

68) When the temperature and pressure remains constant the rate of diffusion of a gas will be inversely proportional to the square root of the density states is the

69 / 100

69) A mutant strain of neurospora which falls to grow on a minimal medium unless supplemented with a nutrient is called

70 / 100

70) Leydig cells are meant for the production of

71 / 100

71) T H cells generally recognise antigen combined with

72 / 100

72) Who has been appointed as the secretary to the president of India

73 / 100

73) Severe combined immune deficiency is a genetic defect due to deficiency of

74 / 100

74) Deficiency of an enzyme beta- D-N- acetyl - hexsaminidase causes

75 / 100

75) Bitot's spots is caused by the deficiency of

76 / 100

76) The decision of ..... is final as far as the nature of a money bill is concerned

77 / 100

77) Bioinformatics as a tool in biological sciences is the contribution of

78 / 100

78) The fight, flight and fright hormone is

79 / 100

79) During pregnancy intake of certain medicines caused foetal toxicity like hyper kalemia and hyper tension

80 / 100

80) Most widely used program for comparing the amino acid sequences of different proteins or nucleotide sequences of DNA

81 / 100

81) The international day of peace was observed on

82 / 100

82) Choose the correct statement

83 / 100

83) Amnion is the foetal membrane developed from

84 / 100

84) Which among the following is considered as an extra - constitutional body

85 / 100

85) Gulf of mannar is a

86 / 100

86) Bidder's canal is present in kidney of

87 / 100

87) Wrinkles in old age is due to

88 / 100

88) During polymerization the mismatched residues at the primer terminus is removed and the accuracy of DNA replication is done by

89 / 100

89) The correct series of events representing the development of vertebrate

90 / 100

90) The Nobel prize in physiology in 1995 for their discovery concerned with the genetic control of early embryonic development was for

91 / 100

91) The term 'molecular stitcher' refers to

92 / 100

92) Optacon is a technical aid

93 / 100

93) ] The father of modern Kerala renaissance movements

94 / 100

94) First test tube baby of the world was born on

95 / 100

95) An inborn error in the metabolism of the amino acid tyrosine is associated with

96 / 100

96) Epi- position of the epidiascope is used to project the

97 / 100

97) A DNA strand having the base sequences ATTGCCAATAC is mutated to ATTGCCAAGAC, the mutation that occurs is termed as

98 / 100

98) Which one of the following is not an extra embryonic membrane?

99 / 100

99) ] The animals tend to develop huge size and birds lose the power of flight and bright colour in those islands

100 / 100

100) In 2017, the discovery of molecular mechanisms controlling the circadian rhythm, won Nobel prize for

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The average score is 26%


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