ZOOLOGY: Immunology Mock Test 2

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ZOOLOGY: Immunology Mock Test 2

🟥 ZOOLOGY: Immunology Mock Test 2


🟥 TIME : 20 Mins

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Which of the following are active without gene rearrangement
A.CD 4 cells
B. CD 8 cells
C. NK cells
D.B cells

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The infectious particle of virus is called
A. Capsid
B. Nucleocapsid
C. Virion
D. Envelop

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3) the term virus was coined by


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4) An icosahedral capsid consists of

💥 hexagonal capsomere
💥 pentagonal capsomere
💥 triangular capsomere
💥 both a and b

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5) which of the following statements are true about virus

💥 Lytic phase
💥Lysogenic phase
💥 the viral capsid
💥 An infectious and fully formed
viral partical

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In which of the following viruses may have naked capsid
A. Polyhedral
B. Helical
C. Both of the above
D. Complex

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The infectious particle of virus is called
A. Capsid
B. Nucleocapsid
C. Virion
D. Envelop

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Who was the first scientist to determine the composition of a virus?
A. Schelsinger
B. Louis Pasteur
C. Mayer
D. Hershey and chase

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Who was the first scientist to give clear cut evidence of a virus?
A. Louis pasteur
B. Leeuwenhock
C. Iwanowsky
D. Mayer

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Dikaryotization in puccinia grlaminis was first reported by
A. A.H. R .Buller
B.M . Tillet
C. A.De .Bary
D. J.H .Craigie

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The fungus is known as bird's nest fungus
A .sphaerobolus
B. Cyathus
C. Clavaria
D. Armillaria

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Reserve food material in fungi is
A. Glycogen
B. Starch
C. Sucrose
D. Maltose

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The genetic information of bacteria
is stored in
A) A single main chromosome
B) Episome
C) Plasmid
D) All of the above

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What is the approximate % of protein in the ribosome of bacteria?
A) 10-15%
B) 20-25%
C) 60-80%
D) 30-50%

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15) choose the wrong statements regarding the structure of bacterial cell

A) glycocalyx is the outermost envelope in bacteria
B) the glycocalyx maybe thick and tough called Slime layer
C) special structure formed by the plasma membrane is called mesosome.
D) small brustle like fibres sprouting out of the cell surface are called fimbriae.

🔷 A and C
🔷A and B
🔷B and C
🔷A and D

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16) which of the following statements is incorrect

🔷 pathogenic bacteria cause 90% of human diseases
🔷 allergy number of antibiotics are produced by (eg: streptomyces ) actinomycetes which are a class of fungi
🔷 N2 fixing bacteria pick up free N2 from soil atmosphere and convert it into nitrogenous compound
🔷 archaebacteria differ from other bacteria in having a different cell wall structure and this feature is responsible for their survival in extreme conditions

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17) which of the following statement is true about viruses

🔷 all viruses known to man are obligate parasites️
🔷 some viruses have cellular structure and are saprophytes
🔷 viruses are filtrable facultative parasite
🔷 viruses are capable of performing metabolic activities on their

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The ratio of DNA in gram positive bacterial cell
A. 5:1
B. 8:3
C. 8:1
D. 1:8

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Capsule is made up of
A. Peptidoglycan
B. Polysaccharides
C. Only lipids
D. Only protein

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Virulence found in bacteria is due to
B. Mesosomes
C. Cell wall
D. Capsule

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Reduction of protein by anaerobic bacteria is called
A. Respiration
B. Fermentation
C. Putrefaction
D. Symbiosis

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Besides DNA the extra genetic material in bacteria is called
A. Plasmids
B. Episomes
C. Both A and B
D. None of these

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Function of mesosomes in bacteria
A. Respiration
B. Photosynthesis
C. Reproduction
D. All of the above

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Which of the following is the largest bacteria
A. Beggiatoa
B. Thiomargaritab namibiensia
C. Micoplasma genetalium
D. Dialoster pneumosintes

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Who introduced the name bacteria
B. Louis pasture
C. Ehrenberg
D. Robert Koch

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